Organizing Committee



Professor of Accounting
Sandra Cohen is a Professor of Accounting in the Department of Business Administration at Athens University of Economics and Business. She holds an MBA and a PhD in Accounting from the same University. Her research interests lie in the fields of "Public Sector Accounting", "Management accounting" and “Intellectual Capital”. Her research work has been published in several ranked journals and has been presented in several international conferences.
She has been for several years a member of the Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board (Greek National Accounting Standards Setter). She is currently a Co-chair to the XII Permanent Study Group “Public Sector Financial Management” of the European Group of Public Administration and the Vice-Chari of the Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network Board. She is a co-author in four books in Greek and author of several chapters in international books. She has participated in several consulting projects for both the private sector and the public sector. She has been a member of the research team in several EC funded projects and she has worked as an expert for projects of the Council of Europe, Expertise France and the World Bank. She is a member of the Editorial Board in five reputable academic journals. She has been the guest co-editor in several special issues in academic journals. She is also the co-editor of two books in English and the co-editor in the Public Sector Financial Management Book Series published by Palgrave.


Assistant Professor of Accounting

Sotirios Karatzimas is Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Department of Accounting and Finance of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). He holds a PhD in Accounting from the Department of Business Administration of AUEB, a MSc in Human Resources Management from AUEB and a bachelor degree from the Department of Accounting and Finance of the same University. He has conducted post-doctoral research on the topic “Public sector accounting and austerity in Greece”, and he has served as Lecturer at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and as Assistant Professor at Neapolis University Cyprus. He is cooperating with the MSc in Human Resources Management of AUEB and the distance learning program ‘Public Sector Accounting’ offered by the ELLC of AUEB. His research focuses on public sector accounting and management accounting. His work has been presented in various conferences and has been published in international leading journals such as International Review of Administrative Sciences, Government Information Quarterly, Public Money and Management, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Accounting Education and more. He has worked on the implementation of EU-funded projects and he is member of a European Study Group of Public Sector Accounting Education.

